Thorghar - 2008-08-25 18:51:53

Quest Title: Assassination
Level Requirement: 32

Sub-quest Title: Axe to Grind
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Valerie [205:305]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Kill 30 Axe Murders [90:355] in the 1st floor of Castor Cave, and return to Valerie
End NPC: Valerie [205:305]
-Select one of:
Might Gold Ring (Phy Atk +14)
Might Indigo Ring (Mag Atk +12)
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Lorca
Level Requirement: 32

Sub-quest Title: Nihilis
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Lorca [295:422]
NPC Locaton: Requies Beach
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Nhihilies [320:475] and come back to Lorca.
End NPC: Lorca [295:422]
Reward: 40500 Exp
Next Quest Title: Cry of the Echidna

Sub-quest Title: Cry of the Echidna
Previous Quest Title: Nihilis
Start NPC: Lorca [295:422]
NPC Locaton: Requies Beach
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Echidnas [299:155] and come back to Lorca.
End NPC: Lorca [295:422]
Reward: 43100 Exp
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Monster Norak Believers
Level Requirement: 34

Sub-quest Title: Manthalena's Request
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Makaio [292:242]
NPC Locaton: Braiken
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Eagerhands [340:40] in The Den of Norak and return to Braiken. Tip: Rather go Castor Cave [215:205] Much more Eagerhands.
End NPC: Makaio [292:242]
Reward: 12900 Exp
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: A Witness
Level Requirement: 35

Sub-quest Title: Assam's Trust
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Assam [350:185]
NPC Locaton: Parca Temple
Quest Detail: Kill 20 Sasquantches [155:155] in Heiharp.
End NPC: Assam [350:185]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: Information about Kalibus

Sub-quest Title: Information about Kalibus
Previous Quest Title: Assam's Trust
Start NPC: Assam [350:185]
NPC Locaton: Parca Temple
Quest Detail: Talk to Assam.
End NPC: Assam [350:185]
39812 Exp
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: A Love Story
Level Requirement: 35

Sub-quest Title: Worries of the Village Chief
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Noire [441:257]
NPC Locaton: Denebe
Quest Detail: Speak to Kata at Parca Temple. Go north from Denebe to reach Heiharp. Then, head north to find the temple..
End NPC: Kata [425: 255]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: Doomed Lovers

Sub-quest Title: Doomed Lovers
Previous Quest Title: Worries of the Village Chief
Start NPC: Kata [425: 255]
NPC Locaton: Parca Temple
Quest Detail: Kill 10 Frizkhan in Heiharp [140:170]
End NPC: Kata [425: 255]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: The Village Chief's Delight

Sub-quest Title: The Village Chief's Delight
Previous Quest Title: Doomed Lovers
Start NPC: ata [425: 255]
NPC Locaton: Parca Temple
Quest Detail: Take the Heart of Eternity you've received from Kata to Noire.
End NPC: Noire [441:257]
Azure Knight: Lunahawk Boots
Segita Hunter: Cara Boots
Incar Magician: Phosphor Boots
Vicious Summoner: Schuma Boots
Bagi Warrior: Chuck Boots
20000 DIL
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Herald of Trieste
Level Requirement: 35

Sub-quest Title: Asray's Test
Azure Knight: Max Rhombus
Segita Hunter: Max Rhombus
Incar Magician: Max Pyramid
Vicious Summoner: Max Pyramid

Contribute my guide here.

Quest Title: Zodiac's Instruction
Level Requirement: 35

Sub-quest Title: Zodiac's Secret Agent
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Zarzamus [235:187]
NPC Locaton: Braiken
Quest Detail: Take the Zodiac dispatch you've received from Zarzamus to Rauf [152:251] in Heiharp.
End NPC: Rauf [152:251]
Reward: 2000 DIL
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Bingo's Nose
Level Requirement: Level 36

Sub-quest Title: Allergies
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Bingo [299:92]
NPC Locaton: Requies Beach
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Asrons [265:272] and return to Bingo.
End NPC: Bingo [299:92]
Reward: 45700 Exp
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Troubles of Travelers
Level Requirement: 40

Sub-quest Title: Spines of Racoons
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Manthalena [459:330]
NPC Locaton: Den of Norak
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Racoons [145:410] at The Den of Norak and return to Manthalena.
End NPC: Manthalena [459:330]
Reward: 15400 Exp
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: The Shining One chain
Level Requirement: Level 40

Sub-quest Title: Rauf's Past
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Rauf [152:251]
NPC Locaton: Heiharp
Quest Detail: Kill 50 Parasites [Found on Both Left and Right Sides of Parca Temple] in the underground dungeon of Parca Temple and retrun to Rauf. [Recommended Location: [370:75]]
End NPC: Rauf [152:251]
-Select one of:
Might Gold Ring (Phy Atk +14)
Might Indigo Ring (Mag Atk +12)
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Lengendary Wanderer
Level Requirement: 40

Sub-quest Title: Adventure of Klovis
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Maurice [385:250]
NPC Locaton: Parka Temple
Quest Detail: Teleport to Frozen Valley of Vengeance and Kill 100 Ishuma Fighters [Found between the NPCs and the Portal to Crespo].
End NPC: Maurice [385:250]
Reward: Glory gold Necklace (Def +9)
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: The Saint of Blades
Level Requirement: 40

Sub-quest Title: Voice of the Saints
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Buravo Lander [165:415]
NPC Locaton: Frozen Valley of Vegeance
Quest Detail: Talk to Baron.
End NPC: Baron [170:392]
Reward: Rewared after finishing the last quest.
Next Quest Title: Baron's Task

Sub-quest Title: Baron's Task
Previous Quest Title: Voice of the Saints
Start NPC: Baron [170:392]
NPC Locaton: Frozen Valley of Vegeance
Quest Detail: Kill 30 Ishuma Hunters [Anywhere In Frozen Valley of Vegeance]
End NPC: Baron [170:392]
-Select one of:
Might Gold Ring(+14 Increased Damage)
Might Indigo Ring
Next Quest Title: Enemy of My Enemy

Sub-quest Title: Enemy of My Enemy
Previous Quest Title: Baron's Task
Start NPC: Baron [170:392]
NPC Locaton: Frozen Valley of Vegeance
Quest Detail: Kill 30 Ishuma Lancer [255:250] in the Frozen Valley of Vegeance.
End NPC: Baron [170:392]
Reward: Glory Gold Necklace
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik