Gildia Polish Dragons

Forum Gildii z gry Dekaron

#1 2008-08-25 18:43:56



Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-22
Posty: 63

Questy 1~10

Postaram się tu wklepać wszystkie questy które tylko pamiętam, niestety mieszają mi się z tymi co na 2 moons miałem, soki za ewentualne błędy.



#2 2008-08-25 18:47:49



Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-22
Posty: 63

Re: Questy 1~10

Quest Title: Defending Morte
Level Requirement: 1

Sub-quest Title: Qualifying Exam
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Kill 10 blaveruses and return to Skill Master
End NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
Reward: 100 Dil
Next Quest Title: Wiping Out Mofas

Sub-quest Title: Wiping Out Mofas
Previous Quest Title: Qualifying Exam
Start NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Kill 10 mofas
End NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
Reward: Galbaria
(???Reward: Choice of
Brave Sword
Ruin Mace
Next Quest Title: Introduction Letter

Sub-quest Title: Introduction Letter
Previous Quest Title: Wiping Out Mofas
Start NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Visit Julian at North Morte [480:140]
End NPC: Julian [480:140]
Reward: Skill Mastery of your choice
Next Quest Title: -

Quest Title: Defending Ares
Level Requirement: 1

Sub-quest Title: Qualifying Exam
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Kill 10 spiders and return to Skill Master
End NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
Reward: 100 Dil
Next Quest Title: Wiping Out Mofas

Sub-quest Title: Wiping Out Spiders
Previous Quest Title: Qualifying Exam
Start NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Kill 10 Spider Larva
End NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
Reward: Valor Helmet
Next Quest Title: Introduction Letter

Sub-quest Title: Introduction Letter
Previous Quest Title: Wiping Out Mofas
Start NPC: Skill Master [Varies]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Visit Julian at North Morte [480:140]
End NPC: Julian [480:140]
Reward:Choice of Sword Mastery
Mace Mastery
Axe Mastery
Next Quest Title: -

Quest Title: Rookie Maze - Loa
Level Requirement: 5

Sub-quest Title: First Gate
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Julian [480:140]
NPC Locaton: North Morte
Quest Detail: Hunt 50 Fear Argamas and the Argama Boss, then return to Julian
End NPC: Julian [480:140]
Reward: Rewarded after finishing the Last Gate
Next Quest Title: Second Gate

Sub-quest Title: Second Gate
Previous Quest Title: First Gate
Start NPC: Julian [480:140]
NPC Locaton: North Morte
Quest Detail: Hunt 50 Fear Mollusks and the Fear Mollusk Boss, then return to Julian
End NPC: Julian [480:140]
Reward: Rewarded after finishing the Last Gate
Next Quest Title: Last Gate

Sub-quest Title: Last Gate
Previous Quest Title: Second Gate
Start NPC: Julian [480:140]
NPC Locaton: North Morte
Quest Detail: Hunt 50 Fear Cerberuses and the Fear Cerberus Boss, then return to Julian
End NPC: Julian [480:140]
-Choosing Reward 1-
1000 DIL
Pendent of Cure
Berserker's Ring
Max Rhombus
-Choosing Reward 2-
1000 DIL
St. Rosario
Berserker's Ring
Max Pyramid
Next Quest Title: -

Quest Title: Rookie Maze - Braiken
Level Requirement: 5

Sub-quest Title: First Gate
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Adrian [470:147]
NPC Locaton: North Ares
Quest Detail: In Rookie Maze,Kill 50 Fear Argamas and Aragama Boss, then return to Adrian
End NPC: Adrian [470:147]
Reward: Rewarded after finishing the Last Gate

Sub-quest Title: Second Gate
Previous Quest Title: First Gate
Start NPC: Adrian [470:147]
NPC Locaton: North Ares
Quest Detail: In Rookie Maze,Kill 50 Fear Dark Zombies and Fear Dark Zombie Boss, then return to Adrian
End NPC: Adrian [470:147]
Reward: Rewarded after finishing the Last Gate
Next Quest Title: Last Gate

Sub-quest Title: Last Gate
Previous Quest Title: Second Gate
Start NPC: Adrian [470:147]
NPC Locaton: North Ares
Quest Detail: In Rookie Maze,Kill 50 Fear Devil Workers and the Fear Devil Worker Boss, then speak to Adrian
End NPC: Adrian [470:147]
-Choosing Reward 1-
1000 DIL
Pendent of Cure
Berserker's Ring
Max Rhombus
-Choosing Reward 2-
1000 DIL
St. Rosario
Berserker's Ring
Max Pyramid

Quest Title: Lost Key
Level Requirement: 1

Sub-quest Title: Holde's Request
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Holde [225:227]
NPC Locaton: Braiken
Quest Detail: Find Bebero [314:345], get the key,and return it to Holde.
End NPC: Holde [225:227]
Reward: 100 DIL
Next Quest Title: -

Quest Title: Master of Fishing
Level Requirement: 10

Sub-quest Title: Grey Mullet
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Blarado [232:200]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Catch 5 grey mullets. Fishing spot Location [320:150], [150:305]
End NPC: Blarado [232:200]
Reward: 10 Small Baits
Next Quest Title: -



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