Gildia Polish Dragons

Forum Gildii z gry Dekaron

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#1 2008-08-27 12:07:05



Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-22
Posty: 63

Questy 51~60

Quest Title: Tormented
Level Requirement: Level 53

Sub-quest Title: Barthol's Fear
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Barthol [442:272]
NPC Locaton: Castor Cave
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Venomoths [75:440] in Castor Cave 2nd Floor.
End NPC: Barthol [442:272]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: Burbarchi's Face

Sub-quest Title: Burbarchi's Face
Previous Quest Title: Barthol's Fear
Start NPC: Barthol [442:272]
NPC Locaton: Castor Cave
Quest Detail: Meet Burbarchi in Heiharp.
End NPC: Burbarchi [152:271]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: A Deal with Burbarchi

Sub-quest Title: A Deal with Burbarchi
Previous Quest Title: Barthol's Fear
Start NPC: Burbarchi [152:271]
NPC Locaton: Heiharp
Quest Detail: Kill 50 Penril Warriors [350:140] in Heiharp.
End NPC: Burbarchi [152:271]
Crystal Gold Necklace
73387 Exp
Next Quest Title:-

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: A Dream
Level Requirement: 54

Sub-quest Title: Request of The White Lady
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Maurice [385:250]
NPC Locaton: Parka Temple
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Praus in the East Dungeon of Parka Temple and return to Maurice.
End NPC: Maurice [385:250]
-Select one of:
Rhombus (Phy Atk +24)
Pyramid (Mag Atk +20)
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Historian
Level Requirement: Level 55

Sub-quest Title: Guinness's Test
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Guiness [149:242]
NPC Locaton: Crespo
Quest Detail: Kill 10 Clays and 50 Captain Rock pressures, then return to Guiness. (Both monsters are Found at [102:425]&[75:440])
End NPC: Guiness [149:242]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: Ginness's Request

Sub-quest Title: Ginness's Request
Previous Quest Title: Guinness's Test
Start NPC: Guiness [149:242]
NPC Locaton: Crespo
Quest Detail: Visit Assam in Parka Temple.
End NPC: Assam [350:185]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: The Return

Sub-quest Title: The Return
Previous Quest Title: Ginness's Request
Start NPC: Assam [350:185]
NPC Locaton: Parka Temple
Quest Detail: Bring the sheepskins from Assam to Guinness in Crespo.
End NPC: Guiness [149:242]
Reward: Copper Argate
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Ricardo's Request
Level Rquirement: 55

Sub-quest Title: Before The Temple
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Ricardo [385:260]
NPC Locaton: Parka Temple
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Carcers [Eastern Dungeon of Parka Temple] and return to Ricardo.
End NPC: Ricardo [385:260]
Reward: Medial (Def+13)
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: The Malady
Level Requirement: 55

Sub-quest Title: Gloomy Screams
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Aaron [445:317]
NPC Locaton: Den of Norak
Quest Detail: Kill 15 Succubi and 15 Lasputin Knights in Norak Cave 2nd Floor. Location: [125:370]
End NPC: Aaron [445:317]
Azure Knight: Absolute Vain
Segita Hunter: Terrance Main
Incar Magician: Lenovare
Vicious Summoner: Neperius
Segnale: Serpens
Bagi Warrior: Phobia
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: A Bone to Pick
Level Rquirement: 55

Sub-quest Title: Succubi Suck You Dry
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Aaron [445:317]
NPC Locaton: Den of Norak
Quest Detail: Kill 15 Succubi and 15 Lasputin Knights in Norak Cave 2nd Floor. Location: [125:370]
End NPC: Aaron [445:317]
Azure Knight: Aquila Armor
Segita Hunter: Astral Armor
Incar Magician: Imperial Armor
Vicious Summoner: Phoenix Armor
Segnale:Lumier Armor
Bagi Warrior: Leo Armor
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Gorraine and Leopold's Alliance (1)
Level Requirement: 55

Sub-quest Title: The Balance
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Leopold [135:305]
NPC Locaton: Crespo
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Captain Parasites [155:372], and return to Leopold.
End NPC: Leopold [135:305]
Reward: Crystal Gold Necklace
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Gorraine and Leopold's Alliance (2)
Level Requirement: 57

Sub-quest Title: Chaos in Crespo
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Gorraine [129:235]
NPC Locaton: Crespo
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Captain Frozen Giants [375:370].
End NPC: Gorraine [129:235]
-Select one of:
Grief Gold Ring
Grief Indigo Ring
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Sylvester's Truth
Level Requirement: 60

Sub-Quest Title: Neverending Shift
Start NPC: Silvester Castor Cave 2F

Sub-Quest Title: The Consul's Answer
Sub-Quest Title: No Luck


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Quest Title: A Great Evil - Braiken
Level Requirement: 60

Sub-Quest Title: A Bold Undertaking
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Berks [232:192]
NPC Locaton: Braiken
Quest Detail: Kill Devich [395:105], the Demon of Terror, in the 2nd Floor of Norak Cave, and return to Berks.
End NPC: Berks [232:192]
Reward: Helm of the Firmament
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: A Great Evil - Loa
Level Requirement: 60

Sub-Quest Title: A Bold Undertaking
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Delkador [256:298]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Kill Mevsuta [190:92], the Beast of Lies, in the 2nd Floor of Castor Cave, and return to Delkador.
End NPC: Delkador [256:298]
Reward: Helm of the Firmament
Next Quest Title: -

by MMOsite Volunteer Staff ZkLogik

Quest Title: Secret Letter of the Zodiac (L)
Level Requirement: 60

Sub-Quest Title: The Truth Revealed
Start NPC: Delkador Loa Castle
Reward: Helmet of Firmament

Contribute my guide here.

Quest Title: Take This Job And Shove It
Level Requirement: 60

Sub-quest Title: Neverending Shift
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Silvester [42:104]
NPC Locaton: Castor Cave 2F
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Lasputin Hunters [Vast GPS Location] Throughout Castor Cave.
End NPC: Silvester [42:104]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: The Consul's Answer

Sub-quest Title: The Consul's Answer
Previous Quest Title: Neverending Shift
Start NPC: Silvester [42:104]
NPC Locaton: Castor Cave 2F
Quest Detail: Give the message to Delkador in Loa.
End NPC: Delkador [256:298]
Reward: -
Next Quest Title: No Luck

Sub-quest Title: No Luck
Previous Quest Title: The Consul's Answer
Start NPC: Delkador [256:298]
NPC Locaton: Loa
Quest Detail: Bring his message back to Sylvester in Castor Cave 2F.
End NPC: Silvester [42:104]
Medial (Def+13)
192412 Exp



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