Gildia Polish Dragons

Forum Gildii z gry Dekaron

#1 2008-08-27 12:09:01



Zarejestrowany: 2008-08-22
Posty: 63

Questy 71~80

Quest Title: Another Path from the Abyss
Level Requirement: 73

Sub-quest Title: Power of the Ellipse
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Gorraine[128:235]
NPC Locaton: Crespo
Quest Detail: Kill 50 Ellipse in Crespo and return to Gorraine.
End NPC: Gorraine[128:235]
Reward: Silver Argate
Next Quest Title: -

by AkatLB

Quest Title: Looking for Trouble
Level Requirement: 74

Sub-quest Title: Kill 'em Good
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Harmon [draco desert town]
NPC Locaton: Draco Desert
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Antares [480:167] south of Draco town.
End NPC: Harmon
Reward: Dominance gold Ring [Phys Atk +34]
Dominance Indigo Ring[ Mag Atk +28]
Next Quest Title: -

by AkatLB

Quest Title: Ralph's Request
Level Requirement: 75

Delicious Meal

Ingredients for the Meal


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Quest Title: Gengrea's Revenge
Level Requirement: 75

Sub-quest Title: Hate in the desert
Previous Quest Title : -
Start NPC: Gengrea
NPC Locaton: Draco Desert (335:239)
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Gomeisas (you can find them at the south of draco desert)
End NPC: Gengrea
Reward: Nova Gold Necklace (Def +19)
Next Quest Title : -

Quest Title: Expansion of Business (1)
Level Requirement: 76

Sub-quest Name: Britten's Ambitions
Previous Quest Title: -
Start NPC: Britten
NPC Locaton: Braiken Castle (to the east) (206:373)
Quest Detail: Go to talk to Hamon (242:217) in Draco desert
End NPC: Hamon
Reward: Medial (Def +21) (you take it at the end of the quest)
Next Quest Title : Hamon's Proposal

Sub-quest Title: Hamon's Proposal
Previous Quest Title: Britten's Ambitions
Start NPC: Hamon
NPC Locaton: Draco desert (242:217)
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Mintacas (Southwest Draco Desert)
End NPC: Hamon
Reward: Medial (Def +21)
Next Quest Title : -

by BaSSeM

Quest Title: Expansion of Business (2)
Level Requirement: 78

Sub-quest Title: Boses' opposition
Previous Quest Titler: -
Start NPC: Boses
NPC Locaton: Draco Desert (368:248)
Quest Detail: Go to talk to Hamon (242:217) in Draco desert
End NPC: Hamon
Reward: Select one of : (you take it at the end of the quest)
Necklace (+5% fire resistance)
Necklace (+5% Ice resistance)
Necklace (+5% Curse resistance)
Necklace (+5% Lighting resistance)
Necklace (+5% Poison resistance)
Next Quest Title: Decision of the chief

Sub-quest Title: Decision of the chief
Previous Quest Title: Boses' opposition
Start NPC: Hamon
NPC Locaton: Draco desert (242:217)
Quest Detail: Kill 100 syph (South Draco Desert)
End NPC: Hamon
Reward: The same as before.
Next Quest Title: -

by BaSSeM

Quest Title: Bonereaver's Brew
Level Requirement: 78

Sub-Quest Title: Cooper's Call
Sub-Quest Title: Here We Go Again
Sub-Quest Title: Fangs a Lot
Sub-Quest Title: A Bottle Filled with Darkness
Reward: Choose One
Dominance Red Ring (Fire +46)
Dominance Blue Ring (Ice +46)
Dominance Sky Ring (Lightning +46)
Dominance Green Ring (Poison +46)
Dominance Purple Ring (Curse +46)

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Quest Title: Evil Sees Far
Level Requirement: 79

Sun-Quest Title: Eyes of the Beast
Reward: Medial (Defense +25)

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Quest Title: Experiment of skills
Level Requirement: 80

Sub-quest Name: Hamon's Questions
Previous Quest Title : -
Start NPC: Hamon
NPC Locaton: Draco desert (242:217)
Quest Detail: Kill 100 Krazes (East of Draco Desert)
End NPC: Hamon
Reward: Select one of :
Defence Gem (+8% fire resistance)
Defence Gem (+8% Ice resistance)
Defence Gem (+8% Curse resistance)
Defence Gem (+8% Lighting resistance)
Defence Gem (+8% Poison resistance)



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